Thursday, October 21, 2010

BBC Accepts Advertising from Pro-Wahhabi Bank... ‘Intifada Fund’ Islamic Bank

October 20th, 2010 | Author: Un:dhimmi
Pushing Jihadi banking for money - This Is What We Do.

Imagine my lack of surprise this morning, when looking through the BBC’s News Online website, I discovered that thy were carrying paid advertising from a Saudi Arabia-based Sharia finance organisation, which (despite its Moody’s triple-A rating and UN Observer status), is implicated in terror funding.
(BTW, for anyone wondering – I am currently overseas on business – BBC websites do not take advertising in the UK)
The Islamic Development Bank was set up in the 1973 by the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, a major special-interest group composed of 57 Muslim-majority countries (it is in fact the second-largest international organisation in the world after the UN), which, despite its stated aim of ‘promoting Islamic values’ seems to do little other than make repeated attempts to ban criticism of Islam via its placemen on theUN Human Rights Council.
See the screenshots below, taken earlier this morning:

click on images to enlarge

The bank itself helps spread hardline Saudi Wahabbism, funding worldwide mosque-building and Da’wah, the proselytism of Islam. For a more detailed explanation of this work, see the testimony submitted in 2003 to a US Senate Committee here (this reveals evidence relevant to the United States, but the bank funds the promotion of hardline Islam worldwide).
But it gets worse:
Among many other activities, the bank controls two funds set up at an Arab summit in Cairo, in October 2000 – the Al-Quds Fund and the Al-Aqsa Fund. Between them worth hundreds of millions of dollars, these funds openly finance the ‘Palestinian Intifada’. It is also linked with the channeling of UN funds to Hamas.
Stated aims of the fund include the provision of assistance to the widows and families left behind by ‘martyrs’; and the furtherance of the ‘reststance’ against Israel.

So there you have it. The BBC, a British Government-funded (via a compulsory tax on TV owners) quasi-NGO, is taking advertising money from a bank which pays the families of homicide bombers and terrorists. Surprised?

No, neither are we, really.

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