Sunday, November 7, 2010

Teen Girls Had Been Executed to Chants of 'Allah Akbar'...AL-Qaida Executes Two Young Women Before Hundreds of Onlookers

AL-Qaida Executes Two Young Women

With a cry of “there is no God but Allah! [Allah-u-Akbar!!!] two young Somali girls ages 18 and 15 were executed before hundreds of witnesses in a spray of bullets in Mogadishu, Somalia, yesterday.
The girls were sent to their deaths by Sheikh Mohammed Ibrahim in the town Belet Weyne which is an  al–Qaida Islamic militia run village.
The charge brought against the two young women was  that of spying for government soldiers.
The two girls, Ayan Mohamet Jama and Huriyo Ibrahim died blindfolded while shocked villagers, forced to attend by Al Shabab, looked on.
These executions come amongst a string of Al Shabab- sponsored whippings, amputations and executions such as those suffered by  the two young women — – all in the name of Islam and overseen by judges whose only qualifications are that they are men who claim to  know the Koran.

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